DIY Handsome Jack papercraft mask

Borderlands 2 has some amazing characters, but the one I loved the most was definitely Handsome Jack.  I was checking out the Borderlands 2 forums recently and came across an old post where user botman made an awesome paper craft Handsome Jack mask.  I scrolled through some of the comments and to my surprise (and delight) he provides instructions later in the thread.

DIY Handsome Jack Mask

I will let his post speak for itself, however he does warn that this is an advanced paper craft and that beginner and intermediate users may have trouble with it.

What are you waiting for?  Visit the thread to download the instructions and you too can rule Pandora.

Monday Afternoon Quickie: Come On, Grab Your Friends!

Salutations, geekcrafters! Time for your weekly Monday Afternoon Quickie with Caitie. Sound like a blast? Great!

totally math!
totally math!

So, this week we are getting down with some Adventure Time! So go on, grab your friends & a sewing machine and check out ohnorachio‘s adorable stuffed animal/pillow DIY. These are so super cute, and super simple!
All you need is a printer, mild tracing skills, fabric paint, a sewing machine (or your hands. you can do it! get old school!), and something to stuff them with. Algebraic!


If you need more Adventure Time cuteness, check the links below. And if you aren’t already, follow me on instagram @notcaitiedavis! I’ll be posting pictures of my Adventure Time needlefelting all this week. Have a great Monday, everyone!

Check out these other cool Adventure Time links!;



A Surprisingly Roomy Refrigerator

Well, everyone knows a TARDIS is bigger on the inside!

Until I saw this tweet yesterday, I did not realize that TARDIS fridges were a thing. Apparently they are. The internet is full of them. Or full of a few, at least. ThinkGeek makes a TARDIS minifridge, but I’m frankly far less impressed by this professionally-made product than the homebrew options. Some of them are just so cool!

So now you know: In addition to the many other things out there masquerading as TARDISes (and there are many), your fridge can join the action, too.

Please Don’t Launch Birds at This Pig

Because, as you can see, it’s an Angry Birds helmet, not actually one of those treacherous green piggies who keep stealing all your precious eggs. And you don’t want to hurt its lovely creator, Jenn Hall. Yes, I realize I seem to be running with a helmet theme (I previously posted Jenn’s awesome R2-D2 helmet), but can I help it when they’re this snazzy? Apparently not. And, you know, safety. It’s important. Why not be safe and geekishly chic at the same time?

Crafty Copper Cane

If you’ve watched the creation of the Lady Vadore costume with as much fascination as I have, you might be interested to know that Jen has posted a tutorial on how to make an illuminated copper cane like the one she carried. It’s pretty sweet, and it could totally work with any number of costumes. Apparently you do need a Dremel drill press, but if you’re gonna do lots of crafts, that might just be a worthwhile investment.