Lego Instructions, Organized

Lego instruction books, organized in page protectors and binders

This project isn’t so crafty as it is DIY, but I figured if you have Legos around your house, this might come in handy: Lego Instruction Books, Organized.

This is one of those projects that is a bit time-consuming, but so worth it in the end.

I have crochet patterns in a binder, in different sections like hats, shrugs, afghans, and bags. Can you think of some booklets that might be handy to have all page-protectored & binder-ized?

Light Saber Knitting Needles

It’s like a Saturday Star Wars two for one today!Random Canadian has posted intructions on how to make light saber knitting needles, over at Instructables.


The materials needed for this project include a 3/8″ Lucite rod, several key-chain LED flashlights, a red LED, a green LED, 2 X 10 Ohm resistor, heat shrink tubing,
120 sand paper, a Scotch-Brite pad, and a 10 Ohm resistor. It can’t be a terribly difficult project, as Random Canadian said another smaller set of needles were also made.

“The cyano glue makes the cut ends optically pure when the plastic bits are joined, as long as there are not big tool marks… I found this out on a previous project. saves quite a bit of time by not having to polish the ends.”

So the next time you find yourself battling the dark side of the yarn, or you just want to knit in the dark, whip up a set of these babies for all your nerd knitting needs!

GeekCrafts Submission: Harry Potter Sharpie Mug

DIY Sharpie-decorated mugs

We received this as a submission, and what a cute project! I had no idea you could decorate ceramic coffee mugs with regular Sharpies! I love how bright the colors turned out and the adorable little Harry Potter face (complete with mini Gryffindor scarf collar!).

What would you draw on your coffee mug? A Star Trek insignia? The Star Wars Rebel Alliance logo? A couple of Portals?

Friday Round-Up: Give ’em STEAM

Some of you may have heard of the acronym STEM: Science Technology, Engineering and Math. A respectable, geeky term in it’s own right, but probably a little stuffy for us over here at GeekCraft.

Recently, however, there has been a lot of talk about STEAM, which takes the stuffiness of STEM and adds an “A” for arts, injecting all sorts of coolness and excitement. In all seriousness, advocates of STEAM argue that arts provide school-aged children with a lot of skills valued in the world like design, problem solving, creativity, stick-to-it-ivness, etc., It is in that spirit of STEAM that I wanted to take this Friday round-up to focus on activities that you can do with young people in your life that promote this important intersection of art, science, engineering, and craft:

First up, just in time for those of you celebrating Easter, we’ve got egg geodes from Tinkerlabs. It’s some good chemistry (my favorite) and can lead to a nice conversation about geology. AND..and…it is colorful and fun.

egg geodes





Continue reading Friday Round-Up: Give ’em STEAM

DIY Dinosaur Plant Markers

DIY Dinosaur Plant Markers

Spring is finally approaching! It’s time to get out spades from the shed and focus on a gardening craft.

Besides strawberries and rhubarb, I have never managed to get anything past the state of seed, but for those who can’t keep their cauliflowers from their broccoli, I present you these Dinosaur Plant Markers. Katie posted a tutorial for this simple, yet elegant project at Punk Projects. So, head over there and get your hands dirty!