Dr. Who Tardis Earrings

Dr. Who Tardis EarringsI love Doctor Who.  I have been watching since I was a wee little geek boy and the series has continued to entertain me as I have grown into a strapping geek man.

Julie Smith of BohemianCraftsody on Etsy makes all kinds of geeky jewelry, but these Tardis earrings are perfect in my opinion.  The problem is, I don’t have pierced ears.  So I need you to wear these in my place.  Just be sure to tell everyone that you are wearing them for Pauly.

Check out the earrings!

Visit BohemianCraftsody on Etsy!

More Doctor Who Tardis stuff on Geekcrafts!

Tutorial Tuesday: Replica of the 7th Doctor’s Umbrella!

Via Crafty Tardis.

The Livejournal Group Crafty Tardis has had some great work in it recently (that’s why I’m featuring a helluva lot of it) but this one really grabbed my attention because it’s something I’d never even CONSIDER doing myself, and it’s just such a perfect costuming prop! (and the 7th Doctor is one of the Husb0t’s favourites, he gets VERY defensive about Sylvester McCoy… I dont get it myself… we don’t talk about it)

Crafty Tardis Contributor kingpinwriter modified an umbrella to emulate that of the 7th doctor with great results. The walk-through includes spray-painting, drilling, sand papering and acrylic bending, all things which I’d be FAR too afraid to try myself, and would probably result in a call to the fire station. So well done for not causing any major injury to yourself or others KingPin :-) (perhaps I should stop measuring others by my own perceived ineptitude)

Adventurous Dr Who fans, go forth, craft yourself the most awesome rain protection device known to man…

Knitted Dalek Cushion

Via Crafty Tardis

I love the granny-chic charm of this (which I imagine to be sort of like shabby-chic only with more knitting and perhaps biscuits*!)

Crafty Tardis contributor love_shark_week made this, another Dalek and a Tardis knitted cushion in really striking colours.

She used knitpro to make the pattern. A pretty neat website where you can import any image and get it to draw you a knit, crochet or even cross stitch pattern! ooh… This would be great fun, except those are the three crafts that I don’t (yet) ‘do’ *sadface*

Anyhow, by the wonder blogging, go forth readers! go and make patterns for EVERYTHING.

*sorry ‘cookies’ pfft… I have no idea what American Grandmas do if they’re not eating rich tea biscuits, baking tea loaf and drinking tea.


Tutorial Tuesday: Dr Who Gloves!

Via Crafty Tardis.

Yep, Fez mitts are cool.

Don’t know about everywhere else in the world, but in the UK we’re suffering from Dr Who withdrawal now that the season’s over.

The great thing about this free mitten pattern from Nyss from Pixelated Mushroom that they are flip-top, so you can still make use of them in the summer. I’m thinking about British summer here, of course. Or if you’re like me, if you start to knit now you may just finish them in time for the winter.

Gotta love that bow tie.

4th Doctor Minimalist Painting

4th Doctor Minimilist PaintingDoctor Who has been a favorite of mine since I was just a wee little geek.  Tom Baker was the 4th Doctor in the series, but he was my first and has continued to be my favorite as the series has progressed.  His iconic scarf and hat have always defined for me the way that the Doctor should look.

This Minimalist painting by Etsian geekasms perfectly captures the 4th doctor in all his splendor.  Minimalist paintings are something I am finding very interesting right now, and have been spreading around the interwebs like wild fire.  Since I am spending a week in Jolly ol’ London, England, I thought I would share my love of Doctor Who with all of you.

Michael Parsons, who runs geekasms on Etsy, has done a whole slew of Minimalist Paintings and is selling prints on Etsy.  Some of my favorites include his Tardis and Weeping Angel prints.  Each print is signed and limited to 25 copies, so you better get them while you can.

Go get the Print!

Visit geekasms on Etsy

Need More Dr. Who?  Geekcrafts has you covered!

Reader Submission: Dr Who Plush!

Geekcrafts reader Rebecca made this plushie Tenth Doctor for a friend who, like many of us, has more than a slight attraction to David Tennant’s Doctor. Rebecca writes:

“I made this Doctor Doll for my friend, who has a major crush on Ten [who doesn’t?!] Her husband tells me she sleeps with him [as in, the doll] in her clutches every night)  After posting the photos on facebook, some of her friends have since commissioned me to make them their own Tens, but nothing compares to the original)”

Its always nice to have your work appreciated Lauren, I love your little Ten. Especially his cheeky little smile and diddy sonic screwdriver! Do you want to see your work here? Let us know about it by using the submit a Geekcraft link.