Iron Man Decal

Iron Man Sticker I love Iron Man, and I am looking at buying a new vehicle in a few months, so naturally, finding the perfect window decal has been at the forefront of my mind (oh, and MPG and safety ratings, those too…).

Richard at Customs655 sells this mean looking Iron Man Decal, as well as a “Sworn Zombie Hunter” decal, and he now etches glass! The shop is a little playground for anything you might want to slap on the back of your car, or see on a piece of glass!

Futurama Glasses

New Futurama starts Thursday! I’m a little obsessed with the show, so both of my posts this week will be Futurama stuff. Today we have Futurama etched glasses! PimpernelSmith made these for a show obsessed friend, and I love that the images used that aren’t just the characters faces. The Zoidberg glass made me laugh out loud! Hypnotoad is at the bottom of each glass, to compel the drinker to refill. All Glory to the Hypnotoad!