The Best TARDIS Purse Ever

Okay, I’ve seen a lot of TARDIS-themed items in this here blog, but this purse takes the proverbial cake. It is spectacular. Unfortunately, it’s also sold. According to designer Mochi’s profile, the TARDIS purse isn’t for sale…but the item description says she makes them to order, so I’m not sure whether they”re no longer available or whether you just have to custom order one. Either way, I thought it was fabulous and worth displaying here, even if only for inspiration.

A purse that is “Bigger on the Inside”

Forever ago, I ran across a picture of a Tardis Purse. I kind of fell in love with it, but couldn’t find a place that sold them.

A few weeks after finding the purse, I figured it couldn’t be THAT hard to make so I decided to make it myself. Of course I underestimated the difficulty, but it turned out fairly well, I had missed a couple of things that I really wanted to incorporate in it.

On New Year’s Weekend, I tried again. This time I tried a few different things, including a new pattern (that I had to alter so that it was a bit smaller than the original). When I came across a black cotton fabric with swirls, I knew it would work perfectly with my TARDIS blue fabric. I was very happy that this time I was able to have a thicker shoulder strap and many more pockets.

All in all I’m pretty proud of it. It measures 10″x10″x3″ and has 7 pockets, two on the inside with the black swirling fabric, three on the main outside one of which is the “Pull Here” sign on the actual TARDIS, and two pockets that are the windows on the flap. The only thing I’m missing is the “Police Public Call Box” at the top. On the inside of the flap I hand-stitched the phrase “It’s bigger on the inside”, which is exactly what every girl needs.

A purse that is bigger on the inside.

Ten Points to Gryffindor But Purses for All!

I mentioned in my introduction that you would be meeting some of the people who helped fire up my interest in ‘geek crafting’. One of the very first was my dear friend, Rosemary Waits, or Quietish as she is known on line. We first met on line in 2000 and lived over one thousand miles apart. As the fates would have it, I ended up moving only three and a half hours away from her and we would occasionally see each other in person.


It was Quietish who referred me to a couple of on line crafting groups for Harry Potter and, later , invited me to help her and another friend at an area event, Mugglefest. Two weeks before, she mentioned she was working on a Gryffindor scarf to wear that day. I barely could knit garter stitch at this time. There was no way I could create a scarf for myself in that time. Searching links, she sent me one for the sweater I mentioned last week and that was it.


There’s been many Harry Potter moments and crafts since there between us, and other friends, but one of my favorites is her HP House Fair Isle Pouch Bags which she shares here along with a link to her PDF pattern for all four houses found on Ravelry. With it’s flat style construction, the bag serves as a nice starting point for a knitter wanting to begin including pockets in their work. The pattern is a Fair Isle and is knitted in the round and includes a bit of basic crochet and some simple sewing to finish. The bags are lined and the pattern contains the graphs for all four house mascots.

If you’re not a member of Ravelry, membership is free and there are many patterns both free and for purchase available there.


Tutorial Tuesday! Star Wars Travel Embroidery Case.

Here’s one from me!!  (Geeky Sweetheart)

I had the utter JOY of participating in the Star Wars OTT (One Tiny Thing) swap on Craftster. This is what I sent out… It’s a circular embroidery case, which is large enough to accommodate a 6″ embroidery hoop, as well as supplies in its integrated needle-book and inner pocket, have a look!

Of course, I ended up making one for myself as well, I LOVE it! I took it to a hospital appointment where I had to hang around in the waiting room for 2 hours, I was sat there stitching away happily, could have stayed there ALL day (but glad I didn’t have to!)

The image on the front of the case there is by DeviantArt user Jasonpal, you should completely check out his gallery, there are all sorts of geeky goodies in there. Inkjet Iron on transfer paper is a brilliant thing! … The speech bubbles were my idea though!

Probably worth mentioning quickly about what I recieved on the swap from my fantastic partner SilentBlair. It was only the cutest little Wampa amigurumi for my little geek-to-be (2 months and counting til (s)he makes his/her grand entrance into the world!) Here he is next to my 1929 Singer hand-crank sewing machine and my baby Yoda hat I got from The Green Hedgehog on Etsy.

ANYHOW – I promised you a tutorial, and here it is. Go forth and make circular travel embroidery cases, emblazon them with your best geeky quotes and images, and dont forget to let us know about anything you make using the ‘submit a geekcraft’ link.

OOh and while I’m on the topic of tutorials, I’ve finally got my act together and organised a tutorials section on my blog. Now you have direct links to all the tutorials I’ve ever published, including my “Wretched Hive of Scum and Villiany” embroidery pattern and my Supergirl Costume.

Top 10 Nintendo (NES) Controller Crafts

This weekend we’re taking a look at crafts based on old-school Nintendo controllers. (We’ll look at mod-ed controllers another week.)

1. Nintendo Controller Perler Bead Business Card Holder

Etsy seller Lost Mitten has this one-of-a-kind business card holder available in her shop. Made of fused Perler beads, this will look great on any geek’s desk.

Nintendo Controller Perler Bead Business Card Holder

Continue reading Top 10 Nintendo (NES) Controller Crafts