Tutorial Tuesday: Goomba Dishcloth

Valerie from Der Himmel ist Grau (The Sky is Grey… in case you’re wondering) sent in a link to her blog.

Just so you know… she’s a crochet dishcloth pixel art ninja.

She’s made up crochet/knitting charts so that you too can crochet dishcloths adorned with goombas, koopa troopers, yetis, pac men and yummy yummy ghosts. Go for it!

Tutorial Tuesday: Ms. Pac-man Amigurumi

Today’s tutorial comes from Allison Hoffman of CraftyisCool.com.

Allison is a crocheting superhero who has designed Amigurumi likenesses of Pee Wee Herman, Wonder Woman, Conan O’Brien and Coraline, which are all available on her Ravelry Store.

Isn’t this just the cutest ball of hungry little yellow you’ve ever seen? Find the pattern here.


Out of this World-British Library

sciencefictionThere are at least a million different things a geek can do in London, and in my effort to do them all, alas, I failed. One major highlight was the current free exhibition at The British Library (for us yanks, it is like The Library of Congress), Out Of This World: Science Fiction, But Not as You Know it.

First, I am a bibliophile, so this was like Disneyland for me, except at Disneyland you can take pictures and touch things. Each section of the exhibition had a specific theme ranging from the birth of Science Fiction (in the 1600s!), Utopian societies, distopian societies, graphic novels, robots (did you know that the first “robots” in literature were actually synthetically made human slaves, and not machines?), and more. Among these were impeccable, perfect first editions, that made me drool, with some of the most beautiful, and outright cool cover art you will ever see. One major highlight was an original telegram sent from George Orwell to his publisher, lamenting that 1984 would have been “better” if it had not “been written under the influence of TB”, where he goes on to call Satre a “big bag of wind”.

I could write for days on the books on display and how amazing it was to see hand written pages of first drafts, books hundreds of years old, amazing posters (see?), but what really struck me were the interactives they had set up, for all age ranges. You (or your kid) can use an interactive touch screen to draw your own alien, and then watch it join other hand drawn aliens dancing around on the wall behind, there was a sleepy robot that was motion activated that carried on conversation about his favorite science fiction robots, a computer where you could challenge AI to the Turin’s Test, and at least five other things I didn’t have time for.

All in all, this would be an amazing stop in London (runs until September 25), even (or maybe especially) if you have kids in tow.

Reader Submission: Etched Portal Glass

This etched Portal glass (or Handheld Portal Vessel) was made and submitted by Flickr user Rappe.

Would you drink out of a glass with the Aperture Science logo on it? if so you’re braver than me.

I was transfixed by the blue and orange drink… luckily Rappe clears up the mystery of the ingredients over at the Spritestitch boards:
“The drink we ended up coming up with was mango smoothie on the bottom and Blueberry Lemonade Jones soda on the top. It was surprisingly tasty, but less than a minute after the pictures were taken the smoothie floated up to the top and got all gross looking. Still tasted great though.”


Tutorial Tuesday: God of War PSP Cosy

JuliaStitches, 50% of the creative powerhouse behind blog Creative Momnesia, shares this cute knitting tutorial for how to make your own omega symbol, god of war themed PSP cosy.

You’ll need a little knowledge of knitting to follow the pattern, but it’s a great little project and would make a cute gift for any Gods or Goddesses of War.

Plus your PSP will never be cold again… :-)