Tutorial Tuesday: R2D2 Lamp

Instructables contributor Nylanan put together this amazing tutorial on how to transform an old silver lamp into an  homage to our favourite comedy sidekick droid, R2D2.

lets have 3 random facts about R2D2:

  1. The actor that played him (Kenny Baker) actually REALLY didn’t get on with the actor that played C3po (Anthony Daniels). In-fact to this day they’ve got a really rocky relationship…
  2. Kenny Baker actually had rude pictures of ladies stuck to the inside of the helmet of his costume (!!!) to keep him amused during the long hours of filming!! SHOCKING!!
  3. A couple of months ago I went to a convention called “Collectormania” in Milton Keynes and saw Kenny Baker chasing* a guy dressed in Storm Trooper armour trying to hit him with his walking stick! The storm trooper turned around and said “That’s not very nice” and Kenny Baker’s handler replied “well , you did try to kill him!” – priceless!!

*well he uses a wheelchair now, so he was being pushed by a handler, which made the whole scene even more surreal!

Physics Cupcakes

Physics CupcakesAccording to popular theories held by physics professors the world over, cupcakes are delicious.  That’s why I absolutely adore these cupcakes made by quaint_idea for her last ever high school physics class.  I’m pretty sure I skipped my last ever high school physics class to pump iron or something equally manly, but I am glad to see that some people have more class than that.

Take a closer look at the cupcakes here, they were posted on a livejournal group called geekcrafts because great minds think alike and all that.

You can also visit quaint_idea at her LJ page here.

Geeky cupcakes are nothing new to Geekcrafts, check out these Doctor Who Cupcakes or these iPhone Cupcakes or even these Pac-Man cupcakes.  Is anyone else getting hungry?

Boba Fett and Stormtrooper Embroideries

“I have a compulsive need to make sets of things” is the title for these Star Wars embroideries, and I’m so glad she does! rollerderbysinner stitched these pink Boba Fett and purple Stormtrooper hoops, and they’re awesome (can you call a Stormtrooper adorable?)

My niece (who is 5) went to All Con in a purple Mandalorian costume. I think she needs something like this for her bedroom!

Reader Submission: Megaman Quilt

We love Megaman… and when I say ‘We’ I mean ‘I’

Quilter Cindy Jo shares just how easy it is to make highly effective quilt pixel art:

“I just had to share the quilt I made for my son for Christmas. He really likes the Megaman games so I went online and found a simple drawing of his and then used Paint Shop Pro to make him looked pixelated. I then just made a square of different colored cloth for each pixel.”

Thanks Cindy Jo!