Tetris Friday Roundup

This week I present to you the finest Tetris crafts I could find on Etsy!

First up is this totally awesome cameo style necklace from lsybb.


Next we have rustic feeling wooden Tetris magnets from Nomad Imps:


Get nerdy clean with Tetris soap by servas gschaeft:



Get your dad a super nerdy Tetris tie clip for Father’s Day from Geekopolis:


Maybe Dad is more of a tie tack kind of person. Pixel Party has you covered:


An awesome twist on the traditional charm bracelet by Nerdy Little Secret:


Is your fridge lacking colour? These magnets from Homespun Crafting will help:


Who doesn’t love stamping stuff? Tetris stamps from Something a Week:


Check out this grown up Tetris keychain from Twiki Concept:



Have gauged ears? BMA Modified makes Tetris plugs!



Hope you enjoyed this week’s roundup! Be sure to check back next Friday for even more geeky fun!

READER SUBMISSION: Invincibility Star Earrings

Nintendo-earringsRossana from Roka Cola sent me a link to their shop, and it was like being a kid in a candy store! I mean, it really was, because in addition to these super cool Invincibility Star Earrings, and other great Nintendo, WoW, Portal, Star Trek and zombie stuff made from polymer clay, they also have a lot of fun jewelry made to look like candy, cupcakes, and all manner of delicious things. The Roka Cola Shop it definitely worth checking it out, it is a gold mine of geeky, sweet, and all around awesome polymer clay jewelry and figurines.

Magritte Craft X 2

I saw my friend LeBrie Rich of PenFelt at Crafty Wonderland this weekend and marveled at her intricate needle-felted Magritte tribute! Awesome. She also has a PenFelted Andy Warhol (a Campbell’s Soup can), a Picasso, a Matisse, and many other masterpieces of wool felt amazingness in her collection (behind a velvet rope, which was an especially awesome touch).

Meanwhile, John Lohman‘s Mario Magritte (a stellar contribution to World of Geekcraft) is one of my favorite cross-stitches ever. Just love it! See a whole lot more of his work at Sprite Stitch.

Today the World of Geekcraft tour heads to IndieFixx! Huge thanks to everyone who’s been supporting the book – I really appreciate it!


DIY Angry Birds magnet game

Because it is the #1 paid app in both the U.S. and the U.K., perhaps I should feel some geek-shame in admitting that I’ve never played Angry Birds, and in fact don’t even have it installed on my iPhone. I have only a few computer game addictions (my family calls me the Great White Chuzzle Hunter), and Angry Birds hasn’t made the list — yet.

But I know both my son and husband really love it, along with scores of others, including Punk Projects blogger Katie. She created a set of Angry Birds magnets, and kindly put together a super easy tutorial so you too can have your own set.

DIY Angry Birds magnets

You could of course adapt this idea to pretty much any platform game, such as Mario Brothers or Donkey Kong.

Links of Interest:

Mass Effect Apron

Mass Effect Apron“I’m Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite apron on Etsy.”

After a tough day of saving the galaxy, there’s nothing like a little space barbecue to unwind.

Keep your Alliance-issue armor sauce-free with this nifty Mass Effect-inspired N7 apron made by kristentexasranger.