New Moon + Mario Mushroom Wrist Warmers

Knitter extraordinaire Vickie Howell has designed not one but two awesomely geeky sets of wrist warmers, and both patterns are free online! This week she published the Alice Wrist Warmers pattern over at CRAFT:, inspired by the upcoming New Moon movie… these would be perfect to complete your Twilight-inspired Halloween costume in style!

And her Mario Mushroom Wrist Warmers are a favorite from last year that are just the thing to knit up as the temperature drops. This pattern is available in kids’, women’s or men’s sizes and includes a handy (and cute) charted image for creating your mushroom.

Crocheted Mario Raccoon Rug

enemyairship just posted for the first time on Craftster and she’s starting off good! She crocheted this 8-bit Mario Raccoon (my favorite Mario!) rug as a birthday present for her boyfriend. And it’s huge – 7 feet! Click through for some in progress photos as well as how she went about making this with granny squares.

Mountain Dew Voltage Giveaway Winners

Big thanks to everyone who submitted a geek craft! Through the very scientific process of my husband and I picking the entries we liked best, here are the winners:

Mario in Polymer Clay

ICandee made this scene from Mario Brothers in polymer clay.

Star Wars Millennium Falcon Cake

Tae submitted this absolutely amazing Millennium Falcon cake on Ace of Cakes. How could anyone stand to cut this one up?

Crocheted Pi

This very cute crocheted Pi symbol was made by Alicia Kachmar and submitted by Taine HR.

Star Wars Bantha Plush

JasonT was inspired by a project on the Star Wars Kids Craft blog and made his own Bantha plushie.

Zelda Triforce Drink

LyricalDevil submitted this Zelda Triforce drink, recipe by The Domestic Scientist. I think this is the first beverage we’ve had on Geek Crafts.

Taine HR, Lyrical Devil, JasonT, Tae and ICandee – send your real name and address to so I can send you your prize packs!